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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Heeey! :) Since I'm always too lazy to blog, I decided to update my blog one to two times a week :)) So it won't be short and boring :|:)) Okayy. I'll start with 6B :) We fixed our cork board stuff. We wrote messages for Sir Angelo and of course, PICK UP LINES! :D When 6F went to our classroom they kept reading it.

I forgot what day it was, but Alex got mad at me, Raiza, and Martina. And no, I'm not gonna tell why. Baltie even made a restraining order :o It sounded so...professional =)) It was something like...
I hereby declare this restraining order of the Judiciary board of 6B against Raiza, Monica, and Martina. They must stay of a 10 meter radius vicinity of Ms. Alex Fevidal. SO WEIRD, NOH? =))
But then Me, Raiza, and Martina refused to sign it. ANDANDADN we have a new 6B site! \:D/ it's so awesome, of course, Sandy made it :> So add us! 6bombs.multiply.com
I really think I have no chances of getting exempted this year :(

I was absent Friday cos I had to go somewhere. hahaha. I heard CJ broke Sir Angelo's meter stick.

Today, I went a birthday party at ACC. I had nothing to do there :| I saw Cam, Via, and Sabrina. :) Then, I'm gonna to acc tomorrow again. I have no idea what to talk about.

Elections are on Monday! VOTE FOR ELLA! \:D/ AND DEVY! :> I'm voting a mix of RIGHTS and START. :)

BYE! :>

Ended @ 4:03 AM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hellooo! This morning was so funny! Okay, so it went like this...
Vince :| was trying to get into the classroom, but people were like blocking the door and stuff. So then, Vince was like crying and shouting na. It would be super funny if you were there. Then we had english. We just did a seatwork and stuff. Recess, I ate with Alex, Martina, and Raiza. Flipino, we did some seatwork. I wanna try to get in the hot seat. :> I was so hyper at math, I was barley in my seat the whole time :| I ate with sila Chelly at lunch :) Then we had Miting de Advance \:D/ VOTE FOR ELLA! We were supposed to ask a question, but then decided not to. We had super short time for SS. I had to stay outside cos I didn't take the quiz. At science we watched really weird videos. Then at dismissal I went with Alex, Raiza, kinda Migs and Migz. Mostly Alex :) I had to play tag with Samonte :|=)) ALEX KASI! :|:))

Ended @ 1:23 AM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

omgomgomg! :)) I haven't blogged in a long time. Where should I start first? I was supposed to run for srcc, but i wasn't eligible or whatever. Oh, well. So I'm the campaign manager of the S.T.A.R.T party :">
E.V.P:Marion Silva
S.A.V.P:Devy Gomez \:D/
Secratary:Kyle Marquez
Treasurer:Yerim Kim =))
Grade seven level rep:Ella Ilano \:D/
Grade six level rep: Kim De Leon
Grade five level rep:Patricia Morales
Grade four level rep:Kichi Dy
Those are the people running at the START party :)

I forgot what it stands for. Hahaha. We're so unprepared. I made the pin design, but it has to get photoshopped. Now what do I talk about? I have no idea. I'll just make this post short, bye!

Ended @ 2:13 AM


Monica Lopez. Born in the US. Living now in the Philippines. Studying in an awesome school, Loving my awesome friends. I'm white. :) ~


-a chance
-better grades
-my own laptop


tagboard Here :D

‚ô•Pink Box

hello :-h


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