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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This is my last post of 2008. :)) Once again, sorry for the bad things that I've done to ANYONE. I LOVE 2008! :D
This is so short :|:| 8-}

Ended @ 4:49 AM

Hey people! It's new year! I already hear ALOT of fireworks. Wait till midnight. :)) So now, I'm reading a new book, again. It's called California Dreaming. It's an A-List novel. I probably should have started from the first book, but oh, well. So moving on...
It's a new year, so I should start it off right :D I'm really sorry to anyone that I hurt or something. I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me :) Today I did nothing AT ALL. At midnight I'm gonna do fireworks @-) Overall, I had a pretty good year. I LOVE 2008. It was a good year. Really fun and shiz. :)) I hope 2009 is funner \:D/ I'm just gonna make this blog short. BYE! :D

Ended @ 4:31 AM

Monday, December 29, 2008

I decided to post my new years resolutions here. ;;)

2. Start practicing more often
3. Be more respectful
4. Be nicer
5. Don't talk about people behind their backs
6. Stop doing useless things
7. Get better grades
8. Don't piss Sir Angelo off. =))

That's it! :)

Ended @ 2:45 AM

Got this idea from SANDY! :D It's my life in 2008.

I think we had reco and outreach. It was my first ever! :)) I got freaked out at the outreach. It was so...you know. ;) :|

Valentines day! Hahaha. Oh, and also Chelly's birthday. I gave her a bracelet that said chelly. Went to town with Sandy, Chelly, and Katia :>

End of school! Lots of things happened. :|:| Started going to Blanca's house alot @-) It was also Blanca's birthday. :D I was gonna miss 5B. But I think 6B's funner now :> I was obsessed with DBOARDS @-) :))

I had my birthday this month. I was turning 12. I didn't wanna turn 12 because I thought I was getting old na :( But it's okay with me NOW. :> I went to Cuenca alot with Sandy, Blanca, and others :p

Stuff happened, I don't really remember anything. :| I remember one thing. I don't really like to talk about that. It was almost the end of summer

School started. I didn't really like 6B. They seemed so...quiet. I stayed with Alex and Sandy most of the time. Sandy hated SOMEONE so much :)) She used to draw pictures and stuff about her. I still have those Sandy ;;) I became class secratary! \:D/ Alex sat infront of me in class.

STUFF. Ysabel's birthday :> All I really remember. :))

6B got wild. I started LOVING it. :) We had the class officer thingy, Forgot what it's called. :)) ICY CHILL. There was a time when Sir Mike was watching us and he allowed us to have our first wild party @-) FUN! And of course! SNOWIE's PARTY! It was the bomb. So wild. And everyone remembers Alec right? 8-|

BLG came to Alabang. Watched from the playground with Sandy. There were annoying kids behind us.

Intrams. :) we won 4th in the dance. I had to swim. I don't think I EVER want to do that ever again. I didn't really like this month so much. Oh, well. Started hanging out with Chelly, Anna, Ella, Devy, and Cheska ;;) halloween with Chelly, Anna, Nats, Cheska, Kat, and SOMEONE else.

FAAAIR! Super fun :> first day with Chelly, Blanca, Sandy, and Katia :> The night part of the first day was fun. :") :)) Second day with MACKED. :)) Third with MACKED again, but most of the time just C. And also Alex and other peoples. :>

Current month :> SUPER FUN MONTH! :) Something awesome happened :"> Hahaha. Of course, we had a Christmas party, went to fun ranch, ATC (8-|) and other stuff. I FINALLY GOT A NEW PHONE!
School started again. It was kinda the same in a way.

Ended @ 2:13 AM

YOO! :> Okay, so like, I slept a four AM last night. I'm not sure why. So I woke up at like 12 something. :)) Then I went to ATC. I bought a book that's REALLY boring. I wanna burn it, but then I would be wasting money, and I don't do that. It's called 'what if everyone else was doing it" The first two pages made me wanna die of boredom. IT'S SO BORING! Then I bought starbucks. I like caramel frappacinos now. :> So I went to cinemas and bought candy. hahaha. Then I went to the supermarket. ( While I was walking around my mom was doing the grocery) =)) Then my mom ran "errands" hahaha. i tried reading that stupid book in the car but it was too effing boring! :|:| Then I went home. I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory @-) The Violet girl or whatever reminds me of someone. Overly proud, thinks she's better than everyone, and full of herself. Hahaha. And now I'm doing this. I don't really wanna be doing this because it's getting boring but I have nothing better to do right now. RIGHT SANDY? :> So, I'm out! :)

Ended @ 1:49 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hey! :) So, overall, I've had a pretty good Christmas. Had fun and shiz. Alana arrived from the US on Monday. I slept over at her house for two nights. hahaha. Dani and Emman also slept over. So like, we did stuff and more stuff. I GOT A CELLPHONE FOR CHRISTMAS!!! YAAAY! i've been needing that for a very long time, right? haha. Oh, and during the time I was with Alana, I did something really bad. >:) It was so fun ;;)haha. So now I'm reading a new book. THE CLIQUE. hahaha. It's interesting. So I haven't really been much lately. I won't be posting so much anymore. It's getting BORING. So bye!

Ended @ 1:53 AM

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hey peoples! :D Second post of the day. :) SO today, I woke up at around 8 and stuff. I'm like, super duper x100 excited because Alana's coming from the states today! You're probably wondering who Alana is. She's my friend from the states haha. :D SO like, I'm gonna eat dinner at her house and sleep over and stuff. It's gonna be fun. @-) See ya fools! :>

Ended @ 9:56 PM

Heey! I haven't been blogging lately. Too lazy. Anyway, this week was exam week. Some were hard and some were easy. My math grade went up by one point. YAY? So on Thursday, I went to town with Alex and PEOPLE. 8-| It SUCKED. Right Alex? We did stuff and got bored. Saw Chelly & co. Hahaha. Then I went home and did shiz. Next day was 6b Christmas party. It was kinda boring. We didn't really "follow the program". Whatever though. I got gifts from people :D Hahaha. Then I went to funranch with Alex, Raiza, and Reena. Martina couldn't go eh. :( Reena is COOL. Had lots of fun. Saw Migs and Tuwi. =)) And also Ysabel, Arjanne, Enjo, and Gabby. Saturday, I wanted to go to Nats' party but I couldn't. So, I went to the bazaar for a while and did stuff. I went to MPC on Sunday. BYE! :D

Ended @ 9:44 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008

2nd post of the day.
I'll talk about PROBLEMS.

1. I have this friends who's not really my friend anymore, but she thinks she is. Haha. Anyways, she's super annoying, bitchy, flirt, and super full of herself. She changed alot. She's annoying because she just is. She's a flirt because well, of course she FLIRTS with so many guys. She became a loner and nobody likes her so much anymore. And her laugh is super annoying.

2. I have a friends who's really my friend, but she's really annoying. Like, she always touches and stuff. It's really weird.

3. There's a person that I really don't like, even since before, and other people don't really like her either. She's annoying, a kiss up, and a social climber.

4. A person who's just a bitch. No more said.

Why does life have to be like this? I just hope that they'll CHANGE.

Ended @ 4:04 AM

Hey guys. So I'll say what happened today. LATE AGAIN! For community integration we planned the Christmas Party! And I got super annoyed with SOMEONE. Can't say who and what a happened. And the OTHER SOMEONE talked to me. eew. Then recess with sila Chelly. After recess, we had Music. We watched Twilight! But we didn't get to finish it so yeah. Then, Science! Ms. Pebs was absent, so we had Sir J as a sub. We played the review game but it was super messy. When I say messy, I mean disorganized. Then lunch. Ate with the regular. Haha. After lunch, we had Math. We did something at the book and we were allowed to use calculator. Sir Angelo told us two things. One bad and one good. The good is that we can use calculators in the exam. The bad is something I'd rather not say here for reasons. I can tell you in YM or something. AYT. Then we had CL. Ms. Aj allowed us to watch a movie. We were supposed to watch Twilight, but it wasn't working so we watched something about Jesus. It was actually interesting. 6A was watching Twilight, I wanted to like, watch with them. Hahaha. Then after CL me and Raiza were watching Twilight in 6A. Hahaha. Then Sir Mike finally fixed the computer so we watched in our own classroom. NICE. Then at dismissal, SOMEONE made me REALLY mad. Okaay, I'll go now, bye.

Ended @ 3:27 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Guys, I'm really sorry about the title if you think I'm copying you. It's just that pick up lines are super cool. Ayt. So today we had a level assembly. And when we were doing the morning routine SOMEONE sounded like she was crying. Hahaha. Whatever. We just talked about exams, Christmas party, schedules, and shiz. Which reminds me, I have to study for exams. Then we had English. Spent most of the time planning the Christmas party. I'm bringing Coke. YAY.? Then we were doing our score pages. Then we did a review thingy or whatever. Then it was Filipino time. So awesome. Before Filipino started, me and Sandy went upstairs and did something awesome. We got the Chalk Box from... somewhere. Haha. We went crazy! Oh yeaah. Me, Sophie, and Kisa have a dance for Hot n Cold. What the hell. Then after Filipino time something happened. PEOPLE CAN BE SUPER KSP AND ANNOYING DAMMIT! Anyways, then more stuff happened and blah blah blah. Then I ate lunch. WOW. After luch we had CL with AJ! OH YESS. We had a review thing. It's like you call a class number, then that person has to answer the question the other person asked. Get it? Then everyone was screaming my name or something, and I really don't get why. But I don't care, I just laughed anyways. And I got an awesome idea from Sophie. Haha. And I also made like a notebook thing. I can show it if you want. ;;) But it's kinda bad. Just doodles and stuff you know. Cool. All about 2008, you know, scince it's ending. :( I actually liked this year. One of the best of my life. Hahaha. Then SS with Sir Javi. We checked the long test and stuff. Then we had science with the sexy inside and out, PEBS. (pebless, over the edge just breathless) hahaha. We played a review game. If Jami just listened to me, we would be 1st place. But noo! He thinks he's smarter than everyone (which is kinda true) but like, whatever. Dismissal was cool. Right Chelly? haha. Too lazy to type about it. So, see you later peoples.

Ended @ 2:53 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'll blog about today now. So we did the normal stuff first. Then we had English but it wasn't really English because we were taking the SS Long Test. It was okay I guess. But English was kinda fun because sila Sandy were telling pick up lines to Ms. Mabalot. Sandy's was kinda bad. No offense Sandy! "you have more curves than a race track" Very good. Haha. Then recess. Hahaha. I had fries for the first time in a long time. Then Filipino! We had Sir Doods yo. We took the English Long Test. And I threw something away twice Alex, you know what I mean. Then Sir Doods talked to us hahaha. We were allowed to use Sandy's camera. When they(Alex, Sandy, Raiza etc.) were outside they asked me to take a picture of them, so I did. And I did something veryy...NICE. Right Sandy? Haha. You should really center that. And then MATH! We recalled our previous lessons. GREAT. I'm way too lazy to type any more.

Ended @ 4:58 AM

Hey. Once again, sorry for not updating. I don't do that often. So anyways, there was no school on Monday. On Tuesday we had English first. DOH. We have English first everyday except for Friday when it's last :)) I didn't submit the vocabulary journal. I wasn't able to finish it because my printer broke so now I have to do it by hand. I'm actually doing it right now. I had to buy markersjust to finish the thing. haha. what the hell Then we had a Long Test in Filipino. Ms. Cosico was our sub. I don't know where Sir Doods was. Anyhow, I bet I failed the Long Test, as usual. Then at computer we did the Qbasic thingy. I finally learned how to do it. Oh yeah. And we had free time. But, of course we did free time while doing the work. Then SCIENCE. The most awesomest subject ever. RIGHT?! Ms. Pebs is sexy inside and out. Then we had to take our class picture AGAIN because our very responsible adviser lost our class picture. Shocking. So we went to the chapel. I bet I looked gay because in one or two of the pictures KISA was tickling me. And ALEX pushed me. hahaha. Then instead of P.E we were supposed to watch a movie but it wasn't working so yeah. I went to the bathroom without asking permission. Ms. Rizza got mad. Whatever. Then Sandy was in the bathroom. We were supposed to sing a song to Sir Angelo while he was in 6A. But we couldn't think of any. So we were supposed to say hi. But instead we asked for chalk. Haha. But Ms. Rizza caught us and I got in trouble. Whatever again. We were supposed to have a meeting with coach but we didn't get to. So first, I was with Ysabel then she made me libre to ice cream. Then I went with Chelly, Anna, and Cheska. Something really funny happened. Because like Cheska was drinking and then I tapped the bottom of her cup and then it spilt. Haha. Super funny man. Anna and Chelly ran and so did I. Then Cheska kept running after me. She couldn't catch me. You're such a loser kasi. Kidding Cheska.

Ended @ 4:14 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

heey guys :) Once again, sorry I haven't been blogging. Been busy, no time, and slow internet. So, STUFF HAVE HAPPENED THIS WEEK. :"> :)) hahaha. Yeah, so there was no school on Monday and Tuesday \:D/ So I had nothing to do. On Wednsday, I THINK we had our Science Long Test. It was HELLA easy. :)) I got 36. :) And something really awesome happened :> I forgot what we did on Thursday. :)) And on Friday, I was late. We had mass and Alex and Katrina read. I had to sit beside Sir Angelo at first. And I saw something. OH YEAH. hahaha. Then when Alex was done reading, she went beside Jami and then she told me to go to her so I did.After I did, the song where you have to hold hands came next, so ERICKA had to hold hands with SIR ANGELO. =))) If I didn't move, it would have been ME. And Ice was holding Camacho's hand. =)) And then Ms. Camacho was like looking for Ice and Poblete but they just moved somewhere else which was near where they used to be. haha. And then stuff happened. :)) Recess I ate with the regular :) And then we had music. I went to the clinic in the middle of it. (headache and stomach ache) Yeah, so I went to the clinic and saw Tuwi there. F.Y.I hydrocephaly. He had a sugat that wasn't even bleeding. Anyways, the nurse or whatever gave me biogesic or whatever. Then I went back to music. We watched a movie called SHINE B-) It's about a pianist who's like really good or something. yeaah. Then we had science @-) SPOON! hahaha. The writing on our mini-chalkboard are always so...interesting. RIGHT SANDY? haha. SO, we presented our thing about how to waste and conserve energy. Of course, Won Hee talked the most. And at lunch, I went to the art room to give the project to Camachoo. It took forever. UGH. Then I FINALLY ate lunch. Then we had math. Me and Sandy went to get chalk. We asked every section that was open. And some guy from 6f said to get from the assistant principles office. So, we did. We kept looking for the ''stash'' or whatever the hell it's called. Then, we found it. I took a handful, and Sandy took a handful. SO NOW WERE LOADED. :> Then we took the long test. MY CALCULATORS SOLAR POWERED :| The long test was easy. Haha :)) Then we had CL. chalkboard. :o Sandy wrote something like, I'm sexy inside? Something like that. Ms. Aj saw it. =)) Then English, Sir Heinz was our SUB. OH YEAH. haha. We were noisy. :)At dismissal, I was SUPPOSED to stay with Alex and Chelly. But Alex had to go. I'm too lazt to blog about dismissal. I'll do it later.

Ended @ 2:07 AM

Monday, December 1, 2008

So I'll blog about fair. :>

Went with Sandy, Chelly, Blanca,& Katia. :) First went to the field for the fair launching thingy. @-) Then we ate and stuff. And then... WE GOT CAUGHT! :> haha. And then we kept waiting for the CPA doors to open for MR. AND MS. PEARLSONALITY. :> but we snuck in through the backstage door instead :)) haha. We watched with Via and Sara. :> then we went outside and did stuff @-) I stayed in the CPA with Blanca, Sandy, Sammie, Snowie, Nats, Thea, Mikee and other people. SOMEONE was being super annoying 8-| Sandy was blowing bubbles =)) hahaha. :> Mikee was being retarded. :|:)) That was the first time I saw her like that :)) Then people started leaving :| So I was at the CPA stairs with Blanca & Ysabel. Then Blanca left :p:| So me and Ysabel went around and did stuff. First we were with Mikee in the CPA talking about stuff. And I met 2 new people :D One is Loudet? She's the sister of Gianna... yeah. And then me and Ysabel went with Natalie, Snowie, Sammie, Ed, Gio, Fonso, and Lorenzo. We were hanging by the jail booth :)) SOMEONE WAS BEING SUPER ANNOYING!! UGH! I used to like her until what she did. That bitch. :| Anyways, I hated Gio that day. This is what happened... I wanted the catching belt thing, and then Gio kept pulling it and then he pulled me really hard and then yeah. My arm REALLY hurt. :| Then we did stuff and I left at like 8 :) That's it.


This day I went with Chelly, Cheska, Anna, Devy, Ella, and Nina. But for some reason I was with Chelly most of time :)) We didn't watch La Salle Idol. :)) So we got caught and stuff. :> I ran away from alot of booths :)) Me and Chelly got caught like 50+ times :o hahaha. We were at the field alot. haha. We watched part of the faculty duets. :)) I watched Sir Angelo's and Sir Javi's. I got bored, so me, Chelly, and Nina decided to go and get caught :p So of course, we got caught a hella lot of times :) haha. Nina's so funny :> I never knew she was retarded :)) Me, Chelly, Cheska, Anna, Devy, Ella, and them were supposed to go to ATC to watch Twilight @-) But me and Chelly didn't go. I think the others were mad. :| Me, Chelly, and Nina were hanging out by the CPA. :> Then James and Migs were looking for someone named Dani Torres. She's hot daw. 8-| I thought I knew her. But the person I thought is DANI LUNA. James said she's mean and panget =)) And then something really WEIRD happened. I won't talk about it here. :)) Then we went to the field and stayed at the stage :) :> We were with Natalie, Sammie, and others. We were being so retarded. FUCK A DOG SONG =)) But for some reason, after a while we were all feeling SAD I don't know why. Then we were staying in Gate 2 with people. And SOMEONE kept trying to like ''fit it'' with other PEOPLE. It's really annoying. So then like, I left at 730. :>


The plan was I was supposed to go with Alex, Chelly, Migs, and Kevin.
But it didn't happen. So I ended up going with the same people I did the day before. And once again, I was with Chelly most of the time. We went on the dinosaur inflatable. It was fun, but I got bumped on the head. :| Then we did stuffs. And I watched the intersection thing. But before I watched I saw something that REALLY PISSED ME OFF. :| And after intersection, I went with Alex \:D/ We talked and did stuff. I'M SUPER ADDICTED TO DIP N' DOTS! :p hahaha. And then something kinda cool happened :"> Me and Alex went around and stuff. We borrowed ZEUS' PSP B-) We were with Alex, Trina, Sandy, Martina, Raiza, Davy, Blanca, and Lorenzo. (if I missed anyone sorry) Then people left and stuff. So me, Blanca, and Snowie went to the field and did stuff. @-) haha. I wanna join GAP. It seems really fun :D :> Then after a while we went around. We were in the building and we heard a noise. :-s But it was just Snowie. :)) Then we hung out by the stairs in the CPA. :) Snowie left :( Me, Ed, and Blanca were the only students left in school :o:o:o Blanca didn't have a ride because Bea went to ATC or something? So she has to walk home. While she waited for her yaya we talked about stuff at the CPA stairs. :> Then, Blanca left. SO it was just me and Ed :| My mom came at like 7:45. It sucked. :|

BYEE! :>

Ended @ 1:35 AM

heey guys :)
sorry I haven't reaally been blogging. My internet hasn't been letting me go on blogspot :|:|

so what happened todaaay...
I woke and then I went online and chatted with people :> and then I showered and stuff and then went to the bazaar. I love it @-) It's so big and stuff =)) So first, I bought ion bracelets :)) And then I bought bags B-) One of them's for Chelly :> Haha. Then I bought a shirt. Then I bought another shirt. And then I went home :)) I'm super lazy to blog.
So I'll talk about other stuff.
Me, Alex, Chelly, and other people were supposed to got to FUNRANCH. BUT no one was able to go so.. IT GOT CANCELLED :| I reaally miss fair. It was fun :> So, now there's nothing to do. I'll go now.
BYEE! :>

Ended @ 12:41 AM


Monica Lopez. Born in the US. Living now in the Philippines. Studying in an awesome school, Loving my awesome friends. I'm white. :) ~


-a chance
-better grades
-my own laptop


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